The country where the last name Burton originated is England. This name is used as a last name as well as a first name and means from the fortified town.
The Name Danyris Stands For "Joyful" Its Also Means Peaceful. Danyris is a beautiful name its the girl name for Danny.
The name for the and sign is ampersand.
another name for a coast is..... uhhm no one no's another name. so someone needs to make one or find out what antoehr name can be or is.. another name for a coast is..... uhhm no one no's another name. so someone needs to make one or find out what antoehr name can be or is..
The last name of Gallardo is of Spanish origin. This name means gallant and is the last name of many famous Spanish bull fighters.
Harit Taechathummarak goes by Pong.
Harit Kranti literally means 'green revolution'.
Yes.People kill people.
The term for green in Sanskrit is "हरित," which is pronounced as "harit."
Harit Nagpal was born in 1961.
harit means green and kranti means revolution harit kranti means green revolution which started 1965 in india under which a large production of rice and wheat was noticed
Poorvanchal, Harit Pradesh, Bundelkhand and central UP
Dr. M.S.swaminathan
ms swami nathan
Harit Kranti (हरित क्रांन्ति) is a Hindi Word. 'Harit' means Green and Kranti Means Revolution. So 'Harit Kranti' Means Green Revolution. The year 1965 marked the beginning of The Green Revolution In India paving way for huge productions of rice and wheat. Years 1963 and 1964 saw poor and uneven monsoon all over India so the government of India had to take some steps to prevent another famine prone year... so the green revolution was the ultimate solution.
Tore Wretman has written: 'Svensk Husmans Kost' 'Na gra special-och nationalra tter'
they both have the same kind of skin because they are from the same harit