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Is democracy. Democracy was first shown in Greece so they could vote for a leader. It means to vote by yourself without a representative like the Romans. We Americans have been using this system for decades.

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it is democresy

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Having a say in government

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What principle is reflected in the quotation from the Japanese Constitution?

Popular Sovereignty: The government gets its authority from the people and reflects their will. What does it say in the U.S Constitution? it says The preamble says, "We the people of the United States of America do ordain and establish this Constitution..." which indicates that government power comes from the people. In the Japanese Constitution it begins by saying that the government's comes from the people and shall be used by them for their own benefit.

Is a government by the people good?

Not necessarily. The election may be just for the president and the Parliament. Then the government could be assigned by the political party having majority in the parliament. In other election systems, the Prime minister could elected by people and he selects the members of his government.

What did the Two Treaties of Government say was the critical element in the formation of government?

Voluntary Consent

What event marked the beginning of human government?

started when the English landed on America or was not called at the time but later on around the 1700s America started to form a government.that's all i have to say

What is a oligarchic government?

A government in which a small group holds all the power is called an oligarchy.Governments where power is concentrated in the hands of a small group of people and successors are hand picked based on their views that are close to the views of the other members of the government.Oligarchy is the rule of the few.power in the hands of a few people with a lot of moneyThe word oligarchy is defined as a small group of people having control of a country, or institution. An example would be A government that controls a state or group of people.Rule by a wealthy elite.The definition of oligarchy is having a small group of people who control an organization or a country. This is commonly developed from monopolies.

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What is having a say in your own government usually by voting?

it is democresy

Why was the republic started?

The Roman Republic was started in order to let people have a say in their own government rather than having to obey an authoritarian individual.The Roman republic was started in order to let people have a say in their own government rather than having to obey an authoritarian individual.The Roman republic was started in order to let people have a say in their own government rather than having to obey an authoritarian individual.The Roman republic was started in order to let people have a say in their own government rather than having to obey an authoritarian individual.The Roman republic was started in order to let people have a say in their own government rather than having to obey an authoritarian individual.The Roman republic was started in order to let people have a say in their own government rather than having to obey an authoritarian individual.The Roman republic was started in order to let people have a say in their own government rather than having to obey an authoritarian individual.The Roman republic was started in order to let people have a say in their own government rather than having to obey an authoritarian individual.The Roman republic was started in order to let people have a say in their own government rather than having to obey an authoritarian individual.

Why did the people of rome create a republic?

The Roman republic was created to get rid of arbitrary one man rule and to give more people a voice in their government. The one year term of office with a set waiting time before a man could stand for election a second time, insured that no one individual could attain supreme power. Dictators were the exception, but they were expected to step down from office when their job was finished. By the end of the republic, all these high ideas evaporated.

What is a government where people can have a say in the way the government works called?

A democratic government.

What is it called when the people control the government?

If the people are in control of the government, it is a republic. If the people have a say in the government (like how it works, who is in it, etc.), it is a democracy.

What did Francis say that Scout called him?

Francis said that Scout called him a "nigger-lover" when they were having an argument.

What is an animal that move through the water on their own called?

I'd say it's called a "swimmer" or a fish.

Do citizens have any say how the government is run in china?

no that is y it is called a COMMUNIST country

Does justin Bieber has his own movie?

Yes, It is called Never Say Never.

Can you look at a woman breast and say she have baby?

Some women plan plastic surgery after having their own children.

What if you don't own anything?

The thing is not about owning anything the thing is about having the capacity to own anything. You don't say"I don't own anything" say "WHatever it be I can own anything be an optimist Never think you don't have assets because that mind in you can do wonders and it is the greatest asset of every human being

Why did George Washington called the new republic a experiment?

It was an experiment in the greatest sense. Nothing was like it in 1789. Countries were ruled by kings and the population had no say in the government. Here, was a government that stated that people formed government so they could have a say in it.