The State Department, the Defense Department, the Central Intelligence Agency, and the National Security Council.
The Con's to this branch of government are that it could be very hard for the legislative branch and executive branch to come to an agreement when it comes to passing laws.
Federal Bureaucracy
The executive branch of government is responsible for the administration of state bureaucracy. In the United States, the power to make laws is given to Congress, which represents the legislative branch of government. The Executive branch carries out the laws. :P
Article Two of the United States Constitution covers the executive branch of the U. S. government. The article contains four sections. The executive branch includes the members of the president's cabinet.
the state department
It is the Executive Branch that administers the federal bureaucracy. The Executive Branch also executes the laws, and prepares the annual budget.
the executive branch
There are many bureaucracies in the executive branch of the U.S. federal government.
federal bureaucracy
The State Department, the Defense Department, the Central Intelligence Agency, and the National Security Council.
The Con's to this branch of government are that it could be very hard for the legislative branch and executive branch to come to an agreement when it comes to passing laws.
Federal Bureaucracy
is necessarily undemocratic
Congress is not an example of the executive branch. Congress is the legislative branch, in place to make and pass laws, while the executive branch includes the President and the bureaucracy he oversees.