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compose, Rita farntela find me on YouTube, Google images, skype, facebook and finally twitter add me Rita89453

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Q: What is it called to create or construct according to plan?
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What six-letter word means to create fashion execute or construct according to plan?


What does devised mean?

Devise means to construct, create, or elaborate on something. When used in the context of a plan, as in "devise a plan", it means "create a plan".

Is structure is noun?

A noun for a building or other object constructed from several parts. A verb if to construct or arrange according to a plan

What is the general definition of patterning?

Plan or create according to a model or models.

Techniques use to create the risk management plan?

The technique used to create the risk management plan is called "Planning Meeting & Analysis"

What is Construction Planning?

Construction Planning is when you plan to construct something

What was Woodrow Wilsons plan for peace called?

Woodrow Wilsonâ??s plan for peace was called the 14 Points or the 14 Points Plan. He believed that this plan would help to create world peace.

Where can one learn how to construct a business plan?

There are many books available to help learn how to construct a business plan. They are located in the business section of a bookstore or library. Online the Small Business Association offers tips and information on how to write a business Plan.

What does the root form mean in the word formulate?

The root form in "formulate" is "form," which means to shape or create something according to a specific structure or plan. In this case, "formulate" means to create or develop a plan, idea, or method.

How would you plan database?

Database can planned according to the requirements of users. Create schema based on the data you want to store and then create table for storing data.

How do you create a plan out of computer project in which website designing is to be shown?

sir tell me how to create a plan out of the computer project where i have to give the plan out of my own website how will i create it

Which is the best site to help you design a plan to construct your house?

See a residental designer or talk to a builder. He may have a plan he has already built or can modify at for you.