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The word "secede" seems strange here. People say a candidate withdrew or dropped out of the race, if he stopped seeking the nomination.

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Q: What is it called when someone running for president secedes?
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What is someone called when running for president?

The word "secede" seems strange here. People say a candidate withdrew or dropped out of the race, if he stopped seeking the nomination.

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A person running for political office is called a candidate. Candidates typically represent a political party or run as independents, and they seek election to a specific position such as president, senator, mayor, or council member. During their campaign, candidates present their platform and policies to voters in the hopes of winning their support and ultimately being elected to the office they are seeking.

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What does it mean to succeed the president?

It means to become the new president-- to follow in the office of president. "succeed" is this sense means to follow after. It is the opposite of "precede" which means to go before. English is a funny language sometimes- someone who precedes is called a "predecessor" and someone who succeeds, in this sense, is called a "successor"