someone who is elected and is faithful to his or her own country someone who is elected and is faithful to his or her ownstate
The Electoral College. The President of the United States is not elected by the voters of the USA. The President is elected by members of the Electoral College. When we vote for President, we're actually voting for ELECTORS, who are pledged to vote for the winner of the nominee. However, there is no requirement that an elector must vote for the person he's supposed to represent. People who do not vote they way they are supposed to are called "faithless electors", and there have been several dozen over the 230-year history of the USA. Fortunately, no "faithless elector" has ever made the difference in the results of the election.
what is meant by the term identity politics
An elector is a member of an electoral college. An electoral college convenes to discuss, agree on and elect a president. The electoral college of Rome elects the Pope.
A presidential elector is a person elected by the voters to represent them in making a formal selection of the Vice President and President.
Yes there has been a "Faithless Elector" in the state of Illinois.
I'm not sure what you are referring to as a faithless elector "face." A "faithless elector" is a member of an electoral college who fails to cast his/her vote for whomever he/she was supposed to vote for based on the election results.
The electors are elected by popular vote in each state and each candidate for elector swears in advance whom he will vote for. If the elector ultimately votes for a candidate other than the candidate the elector swears in advance that he will vote for, the elector is referred to as a "faithless elector".
There have been a few Electors in the electoral college that did not vote in accordance with the popular vote in the state that they represent. The Electors are elected by popular vote in each state and each candidate for elector swears in advance whom he will vote for. If the Elector ultimately votes for a candidate other than the candidate the Elector swears in advance that he will vote for, the Elector is referred to as a "faithless elector". Due to faithless voting in the 2016 electoral college, electoral votes were cast for Colin Powell 3, Bernie Sanders 1, Ron Paul 1, John Kasich 1, and Faith Spotted Eagle 1.
In 2004 an anonymous Minnesota elector, pledged for Democrats John Kerry and John Edwards, cast his presidential electoral vote for "John Ewards" rather than Kerry, presumably by accident.
Although the electors normally vote for their candidates, there have been faithless electors who voted for someone else or else did not vote.
Why must you be faithless or, Why must you be faithless toward me
The Electoral College. The President of the United States is not elected by the voters of the USA. The President is elected by members of the Electoral College. When we vote for President, we're actually voting for ELECTORS, who are pledged to vote for the winner of the nominee. However, there is no requirement that an elector must vote for the person he's supposed to represent. People who do not vote they way they are supposed to are called "faithless electors", and there have been several dozen over the 230-year history of the USA. Fortunately, no "faithless elector" has ever made the difference in the results of the election.
Yes in the 1836 election the entire 23 electors from Virginia refused to cast their vote for Richard Mentor Johnson of Kentucky for Vice President when they learned that he had once lived with an African-American woman.
The Faithless was created on 2006-06-13.
Faithless Heart was created in 1988.