Land is broadly ground, soil or earth. More specifically the term refers to real estate and it can be conveyed by deed. A conveyance of land would include anything affixed to it such as a barn, shed, dwelling or well head.
Japanese samurai.
Living in a country with a diverse physical geography offers many advantages such as the oppurnity to experience many different types of landscapes and climates. It also gives the people gives intimate relationship with the natural setting. Inhabitants develop characteristics for advantages to their land and a diverse physical geography allows a lot of development.
Has a large forehead Long nose Brown hair And hazel eyes
Physical and Human/Environment Interaction illy<3 Ashley burrus
Physical geography studies of all things related to the earth's surface. It includes oceans, mountains, rivers, glaciers, and all things related to the climate of the earth.The study of Earths physical features.
by being good
There are mountains and hilly terrains throughout the country.
Generally it's size skeleton and musculature will be the main characteristics of its ability to move.
A watershed is an area of land where all the water drains into a common outlet, such as a stream, river, or lake. It is defined by the topography of the land, with higher elevations forming the boundaries of the watershed. The physical characteristics of a watershed can include its size, shape, slope, soil type, vegetation cover, and land use activities.
No, a point does not have physical characteristics.
Flat land, less trees, few rolling hills, low grass.
Mongolia is a land locked country located in Central Asia, in between China and Russia. The land is mountainous and has several hills and plateaus.
Sure. Everything substantial has physical characteristics.
Three identifying characteristics of a terrain are its elevation, slope, and land cover. Elevation refers to the height above sea level, slope is the incline of the land surface, and land cover describes the physical material covering the terrain, such as vegetation or water bodies.
physiognomy, physical appearance, features, physical characteristics, face
saskatchewan has a lot of physical characteristics. like my bum
There were rivers, valleys, land and many other characteristics that were in the Indus River Valley