In surgery, primary anastomosis refers to the procedure in which a proximal part of the bowel is connected to a distal part.
Primary anastomosis is usually done following surgical resection of a part of bowel, which could be due to compromised blood supply, stricture, perforation, or a tumor, etc. After resecting the unhealthy bowel, the remaining ends are sutured together to form a primary anastomosis.
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For those who have the passage: ” I believe in encouraging people to have a say “ your answer will be: Open Primary (Apex)
Primary Source
Clostera anastomosis was created in 1758.
arterial anastomosis
The plural form for anastomosis is anastomoses.
Between two structures, an anastomosis is a surgical connection.
procedure code for reversal of urethral anastomosis
procedure code for reversal of urethral anastomosis
The accented syllable in the word "anastomosis" is the third syllable, "mos."
An ileoanal anastomosis is a procedure in which the surgeon forms a pouch out of tissue from the ileum and connects it directly to the anal canal.
An anastomosis.