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The definition of revolution is to throw over a current government and replace it with a new one. A revolution is usally ignited if the governed feel a lack of freedom or a violation of their human rights. In the American revolution though, economics, I think, was the biggest factor. The American Revolution only started because of actions by Great Britain like the Stamp Act or Tea Tax. The colonists of course dissagreed with this ("No Taxation without Representation"). That is why the American Revolution was ignited. Otherwise, if England would not have been so focused on making the best profit themselves (the idea mercantalism plays a major role here too), the colonists would have been happy and satisfied with the way it was.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 9y ago

It gave us Americans freedom, and we signed the treaty of Paris.

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βˆ™ 17y ago

The revolution was that America was freed from Britain. They were allowed to have their own laws and government.

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βˆ™ 10y ago

The American Revolution was revolutionary for the times. Women fought along side men, the citizens rose up to fight, and they utilized guerrilla warfare.

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Because she missed him and wanted to talk to him in some way so she sent letters. The Revolutionary War was a gruesome war.

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When did the Revolutionary War begins?

the revolutionary war began April 19, 1775, during the battles of Lexington and Concord.The American Revolution lasted between 1775 and 1783, when the Treaty of Paris was signed.

What happens after the American Revolutionary War?

There was a paris treaty so that the American nation could be idepedent

What made the American Revolutionary War not a true revolutionary?

A real revolution is where one group tries to overthrow the existing government of its country and take over themselves. In the American "Revolution" the American Patriots were not trying to take over England, they wanted to separate their land from England. This makes the American Revolution more of a colonial insurrection, or colonial rebellion. Similarly, a civil war is much the same as a revolution - two groups contending for control of ALL of a single country. The south in the US Civil War did not want to control the north, merely to separate from it. The real name given in the Official Records of the "Civil War" published by the US government is "The War of the Rebellion". Like so many other things about that war, nobody can agree on much, not even what to call it.

How did the American Civil War differ from the Revolutionary War?

The main difference between the American Civil War and the American Revolutionary War was that the Revolutionary War was fought between the British Empire and the American Colonies, the latter of which declared independence; and the "Civil War" was fought between the United States, and the Confederated States of America--two separate and distinct countries. So, in actuality, the "Civil War" was not a civil war, since it was a war between to countries.

What made Samuel Adams name so famous?

Patriot leader during the American Revolution and second President of the United States

Why was thomas gauge important to the revolutionary war?

hey guys so Thomas Gage was so important in the American revolution because he was the commander in chief for the British so the British really depended on him. I hope that helped guys bye.