William Darragh
Norman Pearce Jacob
her maiden name was Elizabeth Kortright but she took her husbands last name and became Elizabeth Monroe and btw you mean james MONROE
John Hays. a barber, was her first husband. They married on July 24, 1769. She later married George McCauley. Her name was Mary Ludwig or Ludwick, before she married.
they cheered for her
Rosalind Franklin's husbands name was Timothy Franklin.
which ever one dies it will have the other ones name
Her husbands name is Toussaint Charbonneau!
Alicia Witt
Sybil Ludington's ride was on April 26th, 1777.
Abigail Adams first husbands name was....Jhon Adams
Her husbands name is Charles (CAP) Pryor and he grew up in Indiana
his name is lamare
Charles is the queens husbands name!!