Memorials are often related to death and destruction: World Trade Center MEMORIAL, Martin Luther King Jr. MEMORIAL or Titanic Wreckage MEMORIAL Bouye. A monument tends to be built to remember a significant person or event in history or a time period.
The Empire State Building, for example, is a MONUMENT of the booming American economy of the period and the Arc de Triumph is a MONUMENT to military victories. Of course there is some blurrying between the definitions, but this tends to be the trend: Memorials: More somber, remembrance. Monuments: more of a mark of achievement or historic marker. (and there are some monuments, such as the Washington Monument, which -- although built after Washington's death (so a memorial) is more _symbolic_ of Washington's ideals and the constructs of American freedoms - making it a monument)
this is good info
Washington Monument. Lincoln Memorial.
The Washington Monument memorializes George Washington because he was the "father" of The United States of America, the Lincoln Memorial because he preserved The Union, and the Jefferson Memorial because he was a founding father and great statesman.
The main difference between the two is the purpose of building the structure. A monument is built in dedication to a certain person, event, etc. An ordinary building, on the other hand, is typically constructed solely for whatever purpose it may fulfill.
"Monument to living veterans" honors living veterans, several others such as "Korean war monument, viet nam war monument, and WWII monument" are more specific, however don't have the name "veteran" in their title. I got a test and the right answer is actually "Vietnam Veterans Memorial" I swear this is right!! -someone else then the person above
for most of Human history a War Memorial was erected to commemorate great victories, like the Arc de Triomphe or Nelsons Column. Later is became common for regiments to erect monuments and list the names of the fallen in battle. A Cenotaph is a monument or tomb not containing the body of the life it commemorates and is of ancient Green origin. In modern times they have become one and the same thing
The monument between the Lincoln Memorial and the Bureau of Indian Affairs in the Vietnam Veterans Monument. :D
The Washington Monument is located between the White House and the Jefferson Memorial.
Lies between the Lincoln Memorial & the Washington Monument in Washington D.C.
The Washington Monument is located between the White House and the Jefferson Memorial.
The Reflecting Pool.
The monument farthest from the White House is the USS Arizona Memorial in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. The distance between the White House and the USS Arizona Memorial is approximately 4,800 miles. This distance makes it the monument farthest from the White House in terms of physical distance.
The lincoln memorial and the washington monument
Its an monument because an memorial is a funeral sort of thing
The monument on Breed's Hill, a memorial to the battle on that location, was built between 1827 and 1843.
Mormon Pioneer Memorial Monument was created on 1974-06-01.
Yes it is because most people know it as a memorial but a memorial is the same thing as a monument.
Lies between the Lincoln Memorial & the Washington Monument in Washington D.C.