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Q: What is the Name of the official record kept by the house and the senate?
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What is the name of the house for the senate and house?

It is the Congress. The congress is divided into two sections, the Senate, and the House of Representatives.

What was the first official name for the White House?

The First official name of the White House was the Titanic The First official name of the White House was the Titanic

What was the official name of the Gulf of Tonkin resolution?

The official name of the Gulf of Tonkin resolution was the Southeast Asia resolution. It passed unanimously in the House of Representatives and in the Senate only two senators voted against it. They were senators Wayne Morse and Ernest Gruening.

What is another name for the senate and house of represenitives?

house is the general assembly

What is the name of each house in congress?

its the Senate n the House of Representatives :)

What is the name of the Illinois legislative branch?

The official name is the General Assembly and it is bicameral with a House of Representatives and a Senate. There are 59 Legislative Districts, equal in population, and each district elects one Senator. Each Legislative District is divided into two House districts of equal population. One House member is elected from each House district for a total of 118 House members.

What is the official name of the legislative branch of the federal government?

The legislative branch is also known as Congress. Congress is made up of both the House of Representatives as well as the Senate.

What is the cathaorliach-seanad?

It is the official name of the chairperson of the Seanad, which is the Irish senate.

What is a diplome name?

diplome name is the name on your official student record.

What a diplomate is?

diplome name is the name on your official student record.

What other name is the House of Representatives called?

Another name for the House of Representatives is the lower house. Another name for the Senate is the upper house.

What is the name of the upper house in wisconsin legislature?
