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The = pullman strike was a strike of Rail road workers against any train that had a pullman car attached to it. They would not service them. George pullman was cutting the hours of his works and keeping the prices of the company town the same. so the works could not afford to live there so they went on strike. The president at the time Gorver Cleveland sent in US troops to break up the strike because most train had stopped due to lack of maintance.

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Q: What is the Pullman Strike and President Cleveland?
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What did President Grover Cleveland do about the Pullman Strike?

Pullman was hated.

Which president used federal troops to stop the pullman strike of 1894?

Grover Cleveland was the president during the Pullman strike.

Which strike did President Cleveland send soldiers to break up?

Pullman Company Strike

Who was the president of the American Railway Union at the time of the Pullman Strike in 1894?

The president (during the Pullman Strike) of the ARU was Eugene V. Debs; not to be confused with Grover Cleveland: the president of the United States at the time.

Who was the president of the American Railway Union (ARU) at the time of the Pullman Strike in 1894?

The president (during the Pullman Strike) of the ARU was Eugene V. Debs; not to be confused with Grover Cleveland: the president of the United States at the time.

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How did the Pullman strike end?

President Grover Cleveland ordered U.S. Marshals and U.S. Army troops to end the strike because it was affecting the transportation of the U.S. mail.The Pullman Strike ended as a direct result of the violent intervention of federal troops deployed by President Grover Cleveland.

President Grover Cleveland ended what after sending federal troops and jailed the leader of the union?

The Pullman Strike

Why did the pullman strike happen?

The Pullman Strike was a nationwide railroad strike in US in the summer of 1894. It did pit the American Railway Union against Pullman Company, main railroads, and federal government of United States under President Grover Cleveland.

A US President who sent federal troops to Chicago to settle the Pullman strike?

President Grover Cleveland sent in 12,000 US Army troops under General Nelson Miles on the pretense that the strike disrupted the delivery of the US Mail.

What strike involved the manufacture of railroads cars near Chicago?

Pullman Company Strike

Why did president Cleveland send in federal troops during the pullman strike?

because the railroad workers had stopped the trains, harming commerce in the u.s