The bad tendency test is a test derived from English Common law. It asks whether the words spoken have a "tendency to bring about evil consequences" rather than asking whether the words bring about "an immediate substantive evil", which is what the clear and present danger test asks.
the tendency to form associations
1. The "clear and present danger" rule. 2. The bad tendency doctrine. 3. The preferred position doctrine.
Presidents usually start out popular and decline over the next four years.
As a small business owner, I would say that people who have worked very hard and have a vested interested in hard-work-based growth of this nation have a great tendency to vote Republican. Also important is the flip-side of this answer: People with no interest in hard work or the growth of prosperity have a tendency to vote for Democrats. (this is not purely indicting to the poor, as I would venture to say that those of vast inherited wealth have a tendency to be liberal in correlative fashion equal to the amount of work they have invested in their own financial statuses...)
The Whigs were a parliamentary tendency who agreed that parliament should have more power and the King, less.
They can have a tendency to over eat.
This rule is that speech could be resticted or stopped even if it only hadt ont a tendency to lead to illegal action.
I have never heard it is bad for you. -Possibly if you have a tendency for retaining water or gout.
A genetic blood test can reveal the existence of certain substances in people who have a tendency to develop narcolepsy. Positive test results suggest narcolepsy.
Because you have bad test !!
smoking is bad for you
you can but it is bad for you and no good test pee will have a bad color.
For their dark color and tendency to feast on carrion (especially after battles) crows are generally considered a bad omen
You don't have to test because it is that bad you will notice it.
Bald eagles have a tendency to attack ospreys to steal fish from them.
Time management and overcoming the tendency of your underdeveloped frontal lobe to make bad choices.