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1776 was the year we declared independence

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Q: What is the date that the colonies announced their independence?
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What date did the Americans obtain there independence?

The Colonies Declared their Independence on 04Jul1776.

What was the date on which the Declaration of Independence was announced to the public?

July 4th, 1776

What date was it announced that Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence?

july 4th 1776

How do you spell the declaration of independents?

The spelling of the noun is "independence" meaning freedom, liberty.The document that declared the thirteen colonies free from Britain in 1776 was the Declaration of Independence.

Did declaration of independence address political reconstruction after the civil war?

No. The Declaration of Independence was written after the American Revolution and announced the separation of the colonies from England and the formation of the United States of America.

What document officially stated that the US were breaking ties with Great Britain?

The United States Declaration of Independence is a statement adopted by the Continental Congress on July 4, 1776, which announced that the thirteen American colonies then at war with Great Britain were now independent states, and thus no longer a part of the British Empire.

What year did the 13 colonies declare there independence from Britain?

The date was July 4, 1776.

What document announced our American independence?

declaration of Independence?

Why did the Declaration of Independence give freedom and liberty to America?

Because it just did. That's why.Actually, the Declaration of Independence announced that the thirteen colonies then at war with Great Britain regarded themselves as independent states, and no longer a part of the British Empire. That is why the colonies have their own laws and their own government.

When did America declare independence?

This answer is absolutely false. The Declaration of Independence was signed (by most) by the date of August 1776. The colonies DECLARED independence on July 2, 1776 by a formal vote of congress.

What is the official date Great Britain recognized the thirteen colonies' independence?

At the Treaty of Paris, September 3, 1783

What does the declaration of independence say about the government and the rights of people?

The United States Declaration of Independence is a statement adopted by the Continental Congress on July 4, 1776, which announced that the thirteen American colonies then at war with Great Britain were now independent states.