diplomatic measures undertaken by the Confederate States of America to gain the support of Great Britain and other foreign nations during the Civil War. It was so called because the Confederacy's principal negotiating leverage was the expert of cotton required by European mills.
Dollar Diplomacy
i wish i knew
Woodrow Wilson
economic nationalism, judicial nationalism, and nationalist diplomacy
Cotton Diplomacy is when the south tried to convince England to support the Civil war with cotton but they said no.
definitions of diplomacy
Cotton Diplomacy.
It was called the King Cotton Diplomacy because A 'King' is in charge of everything and the south believed that if they didn't sell their cotton to Britain and France, then they would be forced to help break the North's blockades which is what a 'King' can do. The cotton part is obvious and 'diplomacy' international trade and trading with France and Britain is international. which is why it is called the King Cotton Diplomacy. Don't try to argue with me :) its in the S.S teachers textbook. :)
cut off the supply of cotton to England and gain British recognition of the confederacy
King Cotton diplomacy.
They both had a plan The north had the anaconda plan The south had the cotton diplomacy
Because Cotton was a massive export that many individuals (Great Britain and France) were using, and the CSA could produce it very inexpensively
I think quality of yarn is cotton and with style of weaving is satin
It actually means this. Cotton with long rough hairy fibers.
Border States :)
The greatest resource was cotton. During the civil war, the South traded cotton for guns and other supplies. The South also withheld cotton shipments to Britain to convince them to help them fight in the Civil War. This was called the Cotton Diplomacy.