Foreign policies is about any of the policies of government regarding other countries such as zia's policy of afghan miracle and destroying Russia. Domestic policies are characterized by any policy within our own country such as bhutto's policy of educational reforms in Pakistan. it may by social, constitutional or any other policy.
Domestic politics refers to the political workings and political systems of a country. It refers only to that country's internal politics. International politics refers to the political workings of the entire world. Domestic politics are a part of international politics, but what is more important is the way the political system of the entire world is working.
International politics refer to how a country interacts on a global basis with other countries, such as international trade, UN issues, Immigration, and security. Domestic politics refers to those issues that are solely local, such as education, jobs, and social services. Note, however, how both domestic and international politics affect each other, especially when discussing issues such as jobs and economics.
Politics is usually people from the government. Policy is an written contract.
...the former is too solidified (sedimented politics!) and the latter too fluid; need Grace to put together! P.S. - Wrote on 3.6.07 to
the ways in which social and economic problems are solved
Issue politics refers to the most important subjects of debate in current politics. I.E. all the thing candidates talk about during campaigns. "Issues Voters" determine who they will vote for by understanding what each politician says of particular concerns of the voters. Party politics refers to the generally accepted policies of a political party. "Party Voters" determine who they will vote for by which party they run under, and sometimes how they think certain subject matter as compared to that of others of their preferred party.
Religion was the main fundamental difference. Republicans stessed stict code of personal morality, whereas Democrats believed in faiths that took less stern views of human weakness and where there was more toleration.
what is the difference between global politics and international politics
International politics involves interactions between countries on issues such as diplomacy, trade, and security. Domestic politics relates to the governance within a single country, such as elections, policies, and lawmaking. International politics deals with relationships and dynamics between nations, while domestic politics focuses on the internal affairs of a country.
There is no functional difference; they are the same thing, though they may be applied to differentiate between economic activity between certain groups of states and the world as a whole.
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despotism is just a different field of politics.
Historical materialism in international relations is a theoretical framework that emphasizes the role of economic factors, especially class relations and material conditions, in shaping international politics and relations between states. It argues that the global political system is fundamentally determined by economic structures and relationships, such as the distribution of wealth and power among states. This approach seeks to analyze how economic interests influence states' behavior in the international arena.
Politics and semantics
What is the difference between economic and non economic activities.?
International politics refers to the interactions among states in the global arena. Its scope includes diplomacy, trade agreements, alliances, conflicts, and negotiations on various issues. The nature of international politics is characterized by competition, cooperation, power struggles, and efforts to achieve national interests on the global stage.
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The different between them is that the word economics and economic.
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