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Q: What is the increase in conncetions between cultures around the world called?
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The increase in connections between cultures around the world is called?

The connection between cultures around the world is called: GLOBALIZATION

The increase in connections between cultures around the world is called what?

Unification. Attaining unified state among the diversified.

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How many known pi cultures are there around the world?

i do no

Who arrange marriages today?

Many cultures around the world.

How does media affect culture?

Media facilitates a culture's transmission to other cultures and vice versa. i.e. Every culture is influenced by other cultures around them, but with medias like internet, cultures are influenced by all the other cultures of the world.

What is the significance of sunshower mythology in various cultures around the world?

Sunshower mythology holds significance in various cultures globally as a symbol of supernatural or divine intervention. It is often seen as a sign of good luck, fertility, or a bridge between the earthly and spiritual realms. The phenomenon is interpreted differently across cultures, but generally represents a moment of harmony and balance in nature.

What is one way in which nomadic cultures differed from civilization?

nomadic cultures move around from place 2 place whereas civilzations are settled

When did historical globalization start?

Historical globalization began in the 15th century with the Age of Exploration, when European powers began colonizing and establishing trade networks around the world. This period marked a significant increase in global interactions and the exchange of goods, ideas, and cultures between different regions.

What are the most popular cultures around the world?

Popular culture is everywhere!!!!!!!!

What is the difference between beers IPA and Double IPA?

The main difference is the increase of hops. Usually around 30-50% more hops.

What is the difference between early settlers and us now?

Early settlers in American had no formal government. The people based everything in their lives around their religion. America now has a formal government that is not formed around a religion because of the diverse cultures.