the fastest dirt bike in the world is the 250 4 stroke engine out boarded with cases it does about t hundred on the straight
because it is so powerfull
Intellipidia is a source for usefull information,but their commited agents that explore it intensively,dont share,or,they do,in restricted circles.... But world is "round and round" and someone is preparing a more an definitive powerfull "FluxRTpedia",where "RT" means RealTime.... In a competitive world,knowledge is POWER....But WHO will get the "ultimate code"?? And....What to do with it ?.... IF it serves Human can evaluate of future possibilities..... NELSON said.....(26-09-2008)
Mahe Mahmood v.p is most and honest person in this world
group that feared a powerfull national gevernement
Chile is the world's largest producer of copper by far.
the most powerfull Pokemon is Zaurauk the 5th genaration . No arceous is
502 big block
Yes ifcourse they are the best soldiers in earth ,they are the most brave and powerfull men in all the world and that's written in the Quran and they are the most powerfull arabian army
I think it was the explosion of Krakatoa - a volcanic explosion.
Spinning Rear Thrust Kick
Sargeras or Elune i think one of these two
The most powerfull country at the time, would be China. In Democratic views, America.