Natural resources vary widely across the continent - Apex
Obviously people who lose the election do not become President at that time. Andrew Jackson led in the popular vote in 1824 but lost, However he won in 1828 and again in 1832. Grover Cleveland , the incumbent President, won the popular vote in 1888 but lost the election to Benjamin Harrison. He won again in 1892 and returned to office.
direct popular election plan
direct popular election plan
direct popular election plan
If it really is the most widely supported plan, it is probably because it is the easiest to understand and explain. Direct popular vote is the simplest possible way to hold an election. Unfortunately, it has many drawbacks which is why it is not used to elect the US president.
eCommerce platform - not widely supported
Except in some states, the system is a winner-takes-all rather than proportional splitting of electoral votes and makes the popular vote different from the electoral vote. Also, many see the system as entirely too complex and antiquated since it was made before the country had even a basic interstate road system and the Founding Fathers didn't have as much faith in Farmer Brown than they did the educated plantation or land owner.
Scientific law
the eagle
Public education was not widely availablePublic education was not widely available.
essenceScientific lawA theory
Yes. If evolution was not widely supported by evidence, then it would be regarded as a hypothesis rather than a theory.
DSM would be most popular !