No US president was drafter by an NFL team. However, President Gerald Ford turned down offers from the Green Bay Packers and Detroit Lions to instead pursue a law degree from Yale.
hurricanes and stuff like that... then there are lots of old ppl so they need mone for retirement homes and stuff like that... and there NFL football team isn't very good...
Christine:Ex-GM Tex Schramm came up with the name when the team was formed in 1960. He originally wanted to name the team the Dallas "Rangers", but that conflicted with a minor league baseball team in the area, so he changed it to "Cowboys".There are rumours that "Steers" was also under consideration (to play off the huge fan base enjoyed by the University of Texas), but I've never found anything to confirm those suspicions.Fred
The Tuskegee Airman were a team of African American pilots in World War II.
President Gerald R. Ford was offered a contract to play in the NFL by both the Detroit Lions and the Green Bay Packers. He was never drafted, however.
the name of the Mississippi NFL football team is Ole Miss
The great state of Virginia does not have an NFL team.
Houston oilers
Unlikely. The market the NFL wants for a team is Los Angeles.
After King Louis XIV (14)
The Saints
The team that is sort of named the thieves is the Pittsburg Stellers.
New York Giants- NFL San Francisco Giants- MLB
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania's NFL football team name is the Pittsburgh Steelers.