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The Majority Leader of the US Senate, as a sitting member of the Senate, has the right to vote on any measure pending before the Senate. Senator Harry Reid, the current Majority Leader, did not lose his right to vote when selected to his post of Majority Leader. A similar situation exists in the House of Representatives, where the Speaker of the House retains the right to vote. Perhaps you are referring to the right of the Vice-President of the United States to vote when presiding over the Senate as President of the Senate? The Constitution designates the Vice President of the United States as "President of the Senate." In practical terms, it is not possible today for the Vice President to preside over the Senate at all times and a "President Pro Tem" is selected. However, when the Vice President is presiding as President of the Senate AND the vote is TIED, then the Vice President casts a vote and breaks the tie. This occurred when then Vice Presiden Al Gore broke a tie in 1994 for the Clinton Economic Plan to pass the Senate. You might want to refer to the following talk from Senator John Danforth on the US Senate website:

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Q: What is the only occasion in which the Senate majority leader gets to vote on the floor of the Senate?
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What parties are the senate majority and minority floor leaders with?

On October 10, 2007: Senate majority floor leader is a Democrat; Senate minority floor leader is a Republican. This may or may not change in the near future. The answer depends on which party held the most seats after the last election; if any senators died in office and were replaced by their home state Governor - who may or may not be from the dead senator's political party; if a senator happens to switch political parties after election (which has hapened).

Who assisted by party whips?

The party whips assist the party floor leaders during voting, maintain communication between party leadership and members, and count votes on important legislation.

What is the structure of congress?

House Leadership: Majority Party Speaker of the House Majority Leader Assistant Majority Leader Majority Whip Minority Party Minority Leader Assistant Minority Leader Minority Whip Senate Leadership President of the Senate is the Vice President of U.S. President Pro Tempore--Senator of the Majority Party with Seniority Majority Leadership Senate Majority Leader Assistant Senate Majority Leader Senate Majority Whip Minority Leadership Senate Minority Leader Assistant Senate Minority Leader Senate Minority Whip

Who is the leader of the senate according to the constitution?

The President of the Senate is actually the Vice President of the United States. The President Pro Tempore of Senate is the presiding officer (in the absence of the VP), which puts him or her third in the line of succession (behind the speaker of the house). The real power in the Senate, however, lies with the Senate Majority Leader and the Senate Minority Leader. The leaders for the US Senate are the minority and majority leaders. Out of these the majority leader is considered greater. A complex answer is required for this basic question. The President of the Senate is the Vice President of the US, who rarely presides and very rarely is even present except in a ceremonial role or when a tie vote is anticipated. The majority party really runs the Senate and it select a President pro tempore and a Majority Leader. Again, the President pro tempore rarely leads the Senate and is more of an elder statesman. The Majority Leader runs the working of the Senate and most of his or her work is done behind the scenes. The Majority Leader also rarely takes the seat at the front of the Senate floor, gavel in hand and managing the debate. That task is assigned to a Presiding Officer, usually a new or very junior Senator in an effort to let them learn the routine. This Senator makes very few decisions and the Parliamentarian is on hand to advise him or her. So the Senate Leader can be any of the above, but the real power is in the hands of the Majority Leader.

Who manages the floor for his or her political party?

It's the Majority Leader

Related questions

Who handles bills on the senate floor?

the majority leader

How is a bill brought to the senate floor?

majority leader

What the the assistant majority leader do?

The assistant majority leader is the second-ranking member of the party leadership of United States Senate. If there is no floor leader present, the assistant majority leader will act as the floor leader.

Who usually handles bills on the senate floor?

majority leader

What does the assistant majority leader do?

The assistant majority leader is the second-ranking member of the party leadership of United States Senate. If there is no floor leader present, the assistant majority leader will act as the floor leader.

Can senate majority leader be forced to bring a bill to the floor?


What are the titles of the two floors leaders of each house of congress?

The title for the two floor members are: senate majority leader and senate minority leader

What is the job of the majority floor leader?

prevent filibusters

What parties are the senate majority and minority floor leaders with?

On October 10, 2007: Senate majority floor leader is a Democrat; Senate minority floor leader is a Republican. This may or may not change in the near future. The answer depends on which party held the most seats after the last election; if any senators died in office and were replaced by their home state Governor - who may or may not be from the dead senator's political party; if a senator happens to switch political parties after election (which has hapened).

Who assisted by party whips?

The party whips assist the party floor leaders during voting, maintain communication between party leadership and members, and count votes on important legislation.

What are floor leaders and party whips?

# The difference between a floor leader and a whip is the floor leader is the majority leader or minority leader in either the Senate or the House of Representatives. Where as the whip is The party official who rounds up party votes

What is the structure of congress?

House Leadership: Majority Party Speaker of the House Majority Leader Assistant Majority Leader Majority Whip Minority Party Minority Leader Assistant Minority Leader Minority Whip Senate Leadership President of the Senate is the Vice President of U.S. President Pro Tempore--Senator of the Majority Party with Seniority Majority Leadership Senate Majority Leader Assistant Senate Majority Leader Senate Majority Whip Minority Leadership Senate Minority Leader Assistant Senate Minority Leader Senate Minority Whip