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The Chinese government only recognizes the Communist part. The Chinese government won't allow other parties, because those parties would challenge it's power and eventually make the Communist party a very small player in future Chinese politics

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βˆ™ 17y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

The People's Republic of China only has one party called: The Communist Party of China. They are a collective Dictatorship (which means that it isn't just one person who is the dictator but a collection of people). The current president is called Hu Jintao.

*Please note China is Tibet and the People's Republic is the mainland.

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βˆ™ 16y ago

The Kuomintang candidate won the 2008 presidential election.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

the communist party is the party that governs china.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

paddy power

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Q: What is the political party that governs china?
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NO. PR China is a Communist Dictatorship. Specifically, it is a LENINIST COMMUNIST STATE. Leninist Communism is the political theory that a single party called the Communist Party rules the government and governs all affairs as opposed to individual politicians. Although the single party in a Leninist Communist State is the Communist Party, the party need not practice Communist political theory. In both China and Vietnam, there is a state-directed, right-wing economic and political theory.

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The Prople's Repulic of China is a single-party republic. The only political party is the Communist Party so even though there are "elections" in China, they are all members of the same political party.

How many political parties does China have?

China has 1 major political party: The Communist Party of China, and 8 minor political parties: Revolutionary Committee of the Kuomintang("Kuomintang" means "China Nationalist Party" in English), China Democratic League, China Democratic National Construction Association, China Association for Promoting Democracy, Chinese Peasants' and Workers' Democratic Party, China Zhi Gong Party, Jiusan Society, and Taiwan Democratic Self-Government League. All 9 parties are admitted by the government.

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China and Cuba has the single party election system.

What political party in China did the communist party begin its operations?

The question makes no sense. The Communist party began its operations through its own actions. If the question intends to ask what political party the Communists opposed in China, it would be the Nationalists.

Whats a tong?

(in China) an association, society, or political party.

Who were the Kuomintang and what did they do?

The Kuomintang were a political party in China. They helped to stabilize China, and they helped to unify the country.

What type of government is the people's republic of china?

It is a Communist government that has recently embraced a form of capitalism.