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The presidents cabinets help the president do very important things. There is secretary of treasury, secretary of state, and vice president. For George Washington his secretary of state was Thomas Jefferson, his vice president was John Adams. Trust point please

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Q: What is the presidents cabinent?
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What Part of the executive branch?

The President, the Vice President, and the Cabinent.

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The President The Vice President The Cabinent

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The president of Brazil chooses who will serve in the cabinet.

What was the purpose of george washigntons cabinent?

Same as today to give him advice.

How long does president cabinent serve?

Presidential Cabinet Members usually serve for a single administration. There is no law declaring term limits on members but they serve at the Presidents discretion or in other words they serve at the pleasure of the President. He decides who and for how long a cabinet member serves after Senatorial Conformation of course.

How many cabinent members did presidnt Lyndon B. Johnson have?

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What is cabinet in social studies?

The Cabinent is the President's go-to-people. They help him make tough decisions and things like that.

Can the president's cabinent pass a law?

NO, but good luck trying to tell the Cabinet that!

It refers to the entirety of one's knowledge, including beliefs and thoughts about the world and oneself. It may serve as a filter for information one gets that it determines how one receivec and react to information?

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What are the four cabinet jobs?

The original cabinent positions were Secretary of State, Secretary of Treasury, Secretary of War and Attorney-General.