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The fundamental purpose of government is the maintenance of basic security and public order.

Government provides a system in which individuals give a portion of their freedom in order to pursue needs and wants without the fears that are inherent in a state of anarchy.

In an anarchic system, individuals must protect and provide completely for themselves, and those with greater power are able to offend those with lesser power without consequence. In a system of government, the freedom to acquire and offend at will is subjugated to the will of the governed; and, in return, the governed are better able to produce without fear of loss.

Therefore, at its most basic level, the purpose of government is to protect the people from threats, both within and without.

Note on edits: Individuals can pursue life, liberty, happiness and property (blending Locke and Jefferson) without government. Government cannot not grant happiness.

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8y ago
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2y ago
just say the simple answer please thats too much explanation
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15y ago

to have some form of rule, standardization and law. otherwise anarchy would reign and no one person could say anyone else were right or wrong, they'd all be their own government and live by their own rules.

for instance, in an anarchy based land, with no rules, I could walk up to you and say you are stupid because I make my own rules and punch you in the face for being stupid and suffer no consequences for my actions. Now multiply that by 300 million, the US population and I think you'll quickly see why we have a government.

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8y ago

This is really the question that is being discussed whenever people discuss politics. The fact that people continue to discuss politics shows that we don't agree on the answer.

My personal opinion is that the government should do what ever the people (by voting and by other means of expression) say it should do. This is my definition of democracy.

The founding document of the US government is the Constitution

which says this in its Preamble:

We the People of the United States, in Order to

form a more perfect Union,

establish Justice,

insure domestic Tranquility,

provide for the common defence,

promote the general Welfare,

and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity,

do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Six purposes for the US government.

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15y ago

One of the basic purposes of government is to ensure that the natural rights of the people are protected. The natural rights are to life, liberty, and property

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13y ago

The Purpose of a government is to protect its citizens natural rights , keep order and peace in its communities, to redistribute wealth, etc.

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12y ago

The purpose of government is to secure the blessings of liberty, as stated in the Constitiution.

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4y ago

Government is a man made system, to address a society's approach to deal and/or compromise with reality as a group of individuals.

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