In the beginning the Revolution was not intended to be a war for independence. The Americans were not viewed as equals to Englishmen, and the colonists for the most part considered themselves to be English. The reasons for the rebellion were numerous; Americans wanted representation in Parliament and relaxed laws which governed the colonies. The English saw America as an economic colony. America was meant to be a market for English goods and not a manufacturer of goods. The English discouraged American industry and did not want Americans producing goods that would compete with those made in England There was also the issue of taxes that were imposed by England to finance the costs of the French and Indian War which had been fought by both British troops and Americans. Many thought that it was unfair to impose those taxes on people who were not permitted to vote on them.
The initial purpose of the American revolution was to protest the inequities of the English Law. The war did not become a war for independence until the Declaration of Independence was adopted. That was more than a year after the first battles were fought at Lexington and Concord.
The Revolutionary War was wrought because Great Britain was pushing taxes and legislation onto a colony when that colony did not have proper representation in its parliament. The need to go to war was found to create a nation of their own with equal standing on the world stage with the ability to trade with other nations on terms that were found within the boundaries of this nation.
The colonist of England were wanting to be be granted freedom to build their own county. Although England was the most powerful country with military, the colonist wanted freedom. Another reason why the revolutionary war came to be was because the colonist felt that they were being controlled by the government of England and had no say in Parliament. The colonist felt that they should've had representatives or assemblies to have a say in law. However the king did not allow that to occur. Basically the colonist of England wanted to become their own nation and have independence.
There were no wars happening within the Revolutionary War. The only actual war that was going on at this exact time and place was the Revolutionary War.
it was violent
Revolutionary If you are talking about the Revolutionary War, then the answer would be the British. (Redcoats, Brits, English, United Kingdomites)
This is a paper for Social Studies about the Revolutionary War
he was in the revolutionary war
The Revolutionary War was America's war for liberty from Britain.
That would be the revolutionary war. That was the war in which the U. S. won it's independence from Great Britain.
The Revolutionary War
No it was 2 years after the revolutionary war.
No. It was not. The Revolutionary War was fought from 1775 to 1783.
The pre Revolutionary war is the French and Indian war
no, the revolutionary war was before the civil war. the revolutionary war was when the colonists broke away from British rule. the civil war was when the north and south fought because of slavery. the revolutionary war was in 1775 and the civil war started in 1861
there was resentment toward England and altermately lead to the revolutionary war
The first or second revolutionary war?
The Revolutionary War began in 1775.