assisting candidates in their application process
There is a vote to decide if it passes or not
Ratification of the 17th amendment, concerning the election of the U.S. senators.
Affirmative action
The Software Development Process is concurrent with the Systems Engineering Process
You can't without cheating. Sorry
Recommend is something you do, which makes it an "action".
The action or process of narrating a story.
Procedural due process has to do with the how (the procedures, the methods) of governmental action. Substantive due process involves the what (the substance, the policies of governmental action).
process or action
After-action report
Not recommended.
The term commonly used to describe information about an action event or process is "metadata." Metadata provides context and details about the action or process, such as time, date, location, and participants involved.
A symbol used to illustrate the occurrence of any process or action.
that is a stupid question