If the life expectancy is high, then the wealth of the country will be high as well
it is the distribution of money and wealth
Equitable income distribution is the concept or idea of fairness in taxation and welfare. It can refer to equal life chances regardless of identity, to provide all citizens with a basic and equal minimum of income, goods, and services or to increase funds and commitment for redistribution.
An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations (generally referred to by the short title The Wealth of Nations) by the Scottish economist Adam Smith. was first published in 1776
An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, better known by its shortened title The Wealth of Nations, was written by Adam Smith in 1776.
Because there is the upper class who are in those positions. This also could be caused by the money inherited and the fear of losing it. Many believe that to keep it a middle class and lower class must exist to indulge those in power.ALTERNATE ANSWER:America does not have a more equal distribution of wealth among its people because distributing wealth more equally is not the will of its people. N.B.: Financial wealth distribution is a function of the politically permitted marketplace. The American government [the will of the people] permits its citizens to fend financially for themselves, individually or collectively, in the producing, trading, buying, and selling of goods and service wares. Since individual and collective financial performances vary, their resulting wealths are distributed in proportionate variance.Because the voting public is ignorant and apathetic enough to permit it. If we chose to tax wealth instead of income, and tax it progressively, all of our nation's financial woes could be addressed. Instead we are at the hands of the wealthy parasites that owned 34.1% of our privately held wealth in 2004 a pay a minor portion of our taxes. This is because we are ignorant and apathetic enough to permit them to buy our votes with their propaganda.
Since when is a relationship based on wealth.
Karl marx
During the republic, the Roman magistrates were all chosen by popular election. Citizens voted according to their tribal affiliations and according to their wealth status.During the republic, the Roman magistrates were all chosen by popular election. Citizens voted according to their tribal affiliations and according to their wealth status.During the republic, the Roman magistrates were all chosen by popular election. Citizens voted according to their tribal affiliations and according to their wealth status.During the republic, the Roman magistrates were all chosen by popular election. Citizens voted according to their tribal affiliations and according to their wealth status.During the republic, the Roman magistrates were all chosen by popular election. Citizens voted according to their tribal affiliations and according to their wealth status.During the republic, the Roman magistrates were all chosen by popular election. Citizens voted according to their tribal affiliations and according to their wealth status.During the republic, the Roman magistrates were all chosen by popular election. Citizens voted according to their tribal affiliations and according to their wealth status.During the republic, the Roman magistrates were all chosen by popular election. Citizens voted according to their tribal affiliations and according to their wealth status.During the republic, the Roman magistrates were all chosen by popular election. Citizens voted according to their tribal affiliations and according to their wealth status.
The two things that brought wealth to the Pharoahs were their power and their loyalty to his/her citizens
Abundance Affluence Wealth as evidenced by sumptuous living
Africa's mineral wealth often benefits a small elite and foreign companies due to corruption, mismanagement, and lack of transparency in the extractive industries. Inadequate governance, weak institutions, and lack of infrastructure also hinder the equitable distribution of wealth to the majority of citizens. Moreover, external factors such as fluctuating global commodity prices and unequal trade relationships further perpetuate the wealth disparity.
Norway is often cited as a country that effectively distributes its oil wealth to benefit all citizens through its sovereign wealth fund, the Government Pension Fund Global. The fund is designed to invest oil revenues for the long-term benefit of Norwegian citizens, ensuring that current and future generations can benefit from the country's natural resources.
The overall distribution of wealth in Canada is similar to that in the United States.
Industrialization completely changed Europe. At first, it lowered life expectancy, increased pollution and filthy living conditions, dramatically increased the population of urban areas, increased the size of the middle class, and brought wealth to nations. Later, life expectancy became much higher, pollution and living conditions were dramatically fixed, and urban populations, the middle class, and wealth still began to climb.
The Roman assemblies were made up of citizens and determined by their tribe and/or their wealth.The Roman assemblies were made up of citizens and determined by their tribe and/or their wealth.The Roman assemblies were made up of citizens and determined by their tribe and/or their wealth.The Roman assemblies were made up of citizens and determined by their tribe and/or their wealth.The Roman assemblies were made up of citizens and determined by their tribe and/or their wealth.The Roman assemblies were made up of citizens and determined by their tribe and/or their wealth.The Roman assemblies were made up of citizens and determined by their tribe and/or their wealth.The Roman assemblies were made up of citizens and determined by their tribe and/or their wealth.The Roman assemblies were made up of citizens and determined by their tribe and/or their wealth.