The total number of Representatives in congress is 435
The total # is 435 members!
The people of the United States are represented by 535 different people. Of these, 100 are Senators and 435 are Representatives.
In respect to American government, the sole factor in determining the number of representatives that each state is entitled to have in the House of Representatives is the population of each state in question. While each state is entitled to at least one representative in the House, additional representatives are allotted based on the census-counts of state-populations, with the total number of representatives fixed at 435 in total.
Following the 2010 Census, Louisiana has 6 representatives in the House, which is about 1.4% of the total number of congressmen.
There are 51 State Representatives and two US Representatives.
The US House has nine and the State House has 99.
There are 29.
435 Members of the House of Representatives 100 Members of Senate 009 Justices of the Supreme Court 544 Total
The total number of Representatives in congress is 435
South Dakota only has one US representative in Congress because there are only about 800,000 people in South Dakota. Each US state has one US Representative, then the rest are determined by population. The total number of voting representatives allowed by law is 435.
There are a total of 435 members in the United States House of Representatives. Each state is allocated a certain number of representatives based on its population.
The total # is 435 members!
The Oregon House of Representatives is a 60 member body within the Oregon Legislative Assembly. Oregon also has five members in the US House of Representatives.