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Hong Kong, was ceded to Britain for 155 years because they won the first Opium war.

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Q: What island did the British receive because of the Opium War?
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What kind of problems did opium cause in china?

The opium war mainly began because of the British and China having an opium trade for tea. The British would get there tea if China got there opium. but the cause of the war was that china wouldn't accept opium anymore, and the british wern't okay with that.

Were the British defeated by the Chinese in the Opium War?

Chinese were isolated for a long time while, British invented many weapons which let Great Britain defeat China in the Opium War.

What effect did opium have on china's economy?

The British introduced opium to the Chinese and got them addicted. By doing this the Chinese only spent money on the drug. Their economy basically crashed because of opium. Opium is basically heroin.

What did the treaty of Nanjing?

The Treaty of Nanjing in 1842 ended the First Opium War and gained the island of Hong Kong for the British.

Where did the British get their opium before and during the opium wars?

they got it from India then manufactured the opium

Why were the British eager to end the ban on opium in China?

The British wanted to trade opium for China's resources.

Why the British were eager to end the ban of opium in china?

The opium trade was extremely profitable for the British, and thus they wished to end the ban of opium in order to resume the opium trade and make profits.

Did the Chinese start a war because they didn't tell anybody how to make silk?

No. China did not start the Opium wars. The Opium wars were started by the British, who desperately wanted Chinese products, but were not able to get any because the Chinese people were not interested in British imports. Britain finally discovered Opium, and quickly got the Chinese population addicted. When the emperor of the time banned Opium, Britain attacked China, which launched the Opium wars.

The British traded opium from where for Chinese-manufactured goods and tea?

If you're referrring to the opium wars between China and Britain, the British bought opium from growers in India (which was under British control at the time).

The British attacked China in Opium War because?

the one with the china i forgot to wright it my bad

The british attacked china in the opium war because?

the one with the china i forgot to wright it my bad

Who won the Opium War the Chinese or the British?

The British won the first and second Opium War.