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Cuba or Hawaii i cant remember sorry

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Q: What island nation did the guerrillas destroyed American-owned sugar mills to gain support for independence?
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What island nation did the guerrillas destroyed American owned sugar mills to gain support for independence?

Cuba or Hawaii i cant remember sorry

What effect did the Patriot victory at Kings Mountain produce?

It brought support for independence from the Southerners, who wanted to see an end to the war that destroyed their homes and farms.

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The Declaration of Independence gave the people a great amount of support. This support came from the unity that was formed among the people.

What did military theorist Henri Jomini believe about guerrilla warfare?

Johmini believed that guerrilla warfare could be effective when an invading army was faced by a united people determined to sustain their independence and not bend to the will of the attackers. People in arms as guerrillas can be effectively aided by the terrain of their nation. Nations with mountainous and forested territory present a constant threat to the enemy invaders. Ideally, guerrillas are most effective if they support their nations own regular army. Military theorist Carl Von Clausewitz basically agreed with the ideas of Jomini on this part of warfare.

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It made more people support independence.

Why was the massacre an important event in the cause for independence?

It made more people support independence.

Which country's support was crucial to the new US during its war for independence?

The support of France was crucial to the US during its war for independence. France was the most important support to congress at that time.

Didi all Americans support the war for independence?

no not all amerikan supported the war for independence

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They showed support by sending letters

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hi everybody

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