Calhoun believed in the expansion of states' rights over the federal government and Webster believed in the federal government more than the states' rights.
they renewed the charter early!
It was the doctrine of nullification
A position issue is an issue that different parties disagree on, as opposed to a valence issue, which is an issue that the electorate generally all takes one side on.
Whether a bill of rights was necessary to include in the Constitution.
A bill will go to a conference committee when both the Senate and the House disagree on the contents of the bill. A conference committee will then be created to resolve the issue.
John C. Calhoun, Daniel Webster and Henry Clay organized the comprimise.
Daniel Webster and Robert Hayne
The difference was more generational than leadership-oriented, plus the slavery-anti-slavery issue was involved. Henry Clay, Daniel Webster, and John C. Calhoun were the leading figures of the generation preceding the Civil War, with Clay and Calhoun pro-slavery and Webster against. William Seward and Stephan Douglas (who both lost the presidential primary to Abraham Lincoln), were instrumental in Lincoln's cabinet in winning the Civil War.
they renewed the charter early!
Daniel Webster supported the Fugitive Slave Law as a means to preserve the Union by upholding the Compromise of 1850. He believed that enforcing the law was necessary to prevent the spread of discord between the North and South over the issue of slavery. Despite his personal opposition to slavery, Webster prioritized maintaining the unity of the country.
It was also a debate about the issue of slavery.
They wanted the bank to be an election issue in 1832. They knew Jackson would veto the bill to recharter, so they timed it to come in an election year.
Hayne, a politician during Jackson's presidency, raised many issues about State's rights and Slavery. Some of his comments revolved around the tariff of 1828. He said the Tariff, "was producing a spirit of jealousy and distrust" (Meacham 127).