One issue political parties included the Know-Nothing and the Free-Soil parties.
Some hot button issues:
Informing people about issues and motivating them to take action.
Political parties are the principle means by which the will of the people is made known to the government.
The attitude of the American people toward political parties is seen in the strong feelings an d loyalty they have in their respective parties. The two main political divides in America are Republicans and Democrats.
In 1789 there were no political parties. In fact Washington warned about the formation of parties and how they would put their interests before the common good of the people. Looks like he was right.
Political parties have unified groups of people and helped them seek and achieve common goals. They help to offer voters choices. Just as people have a favorite sports team that they tend to favor, political parties give people something to identify with. Political parties tend to control who get what, where, when, and how much. Their major purpose for existence is to get people to elect their candidates. Political parties tend to attract people based on their performances and their political platforms. What the promise and what they accomplish while being in office largely determine which coalitions will affiliate with their party in the next elections. So even though elections between political parties can be heated they have served as a way for people to identify with government and best express their individual voice.
What are the two major parties in the US today?
political parties
Informing people about issues and motivating them to take action.
They allow for people to more easily select candidates for office by having a platform on specific issues.
Political parties are the principle means by which the will of the people is made known to the government.
As America grew and became more complex, people were starting to attach themselves to parties that represented their beliefs and ideas. Political parties like the Greenbacks formed and grew because when different issues started to pop up, the people relied on them so that their voices could be heard.
Political parties are the principle means by which the will of the people is made known to the government.
They Like their political views on things
Political parties can provide organized platforms for people with similar political beliefs to work together to achieve common goals. They help simplify complex issues by presenting voters with clear choices and options. Parties also promote accountability and transparency by providing a structure for candidates to be held responsible for their actions and policies.
The attitude of the American people toward political parties is seen in the strong feelings an d loyalty they have in their respective parties. The two main political divides in America are Republicans and Democrats.
Political Parties a gruop of people organized to influenced government through winning elections and setting public policy.
They formed because in Congress and in the nation at large, similar differences existed. So later on, two distinct political parties formed.DISAGREEMENTS ON ISSUES:Federalist- stood for a strong federal gov.distrusted Francepub. office should be held by honest and educated men of property who would protect the rights of all the nation's people.Republican Parties- wanted to limit the gov. powersstrong fed. gov. would endanger people's libertiessupported the French