Victorian servants would have to clean the whole house, do laundry, chimney sweep, scrub bathrooms and toilets, wash the windows, clean carpets and other cleaning jobs. Servants were also used to prepare meals, tend to the owners horses, act as valets, run messages and take care of the owners property (such as trimming bushes )
I personally don't know many, but there is the coal mining, where children and adults would go in the mine and collect coal. There are separate jobs in coal mining, but i don't know any. There is also the chimney sweep jobs, that were preferred to be occupied by children because they could fit down the chimney.
A butler was the head of the household staff. In Victorian times the number of employees in a rich household could be very big. Although he sometimes personally served members of the family (those tasks could vary depending on arrangements made) he usually was mainly an overseeer who saw to it that other servants did their job right.
indentured. now finish your homework! >:(
they are civil servants.
In Britain, a civil servant is an employee of the central government, paid out of public funds. Civil servants have to pass a special interview before employment and may have to sign the official secrets act. There are also a second (larger) group of people who work for local councils or for government funded public bodies which are employed on similar conditions to civil servants but would be called public servants rather than civil servants.
Monarchy, the Victorian period or era was named after the Queen of this period. The queen was Queen Victoria.
Factories , Market sellers , Poor Servants.
i think that they ever went to work ,only the servants.
Coal mining,Chimney Sweeping,Walnut Selling, servants and lamp lighter .
People in the Victorian era would have had jobs like butlers and maids, drivers, gardeners, and governesses. There were many households with servants.
Working on farmsAs servants in rich peoples housesIn factoriesIn coal minesPicking poo off the streets
jenna weir
they do stuff
no the children had more dangerous jobs
In Victorian times, rich and middle class people employed servants to do the house work.
normally over 10
Yes, wealthy families in the Victorian Era often employed servants who would assist with housekeeping, cooking, and childcare. Children from affluent families would have servants to attend to their needs and care for them.
no one did there jobs and they were to busy to do themthere self