Jobs typical of farming communities everywhere, plus the specific duties of the Jewish religious. There would be farmers, dairymen, cobblers, coopers, drayers, carpenters, smiths, wheelwrights, butchers (kosher, of course), doctors, laborers, plowmen, harvesters, painters, music teachers, schoolmasters, veterinarians, undertakers, laundresses, glaziers, ratcatchers, shopkeepers, magistrates, cantors and rabbis.
they lost their jobs because of the economic problems and more import.
Supporters of a political party were rewarded with jobs.
It depends to what country you are referring to.
They steal thing that people trade on the Silk Road....
after the war in 1812 trade began to decline jobs disappeared and so that sent america into a small depression from 1819 to 1822 and so the first years started with 50,000 people losing there jobs a foriegn critic said that half a million people lost there jobs.
they were Jewish market towns
Steven Sher has written: 'Where the shouting began' -- subject(s): Fiction, Jews in fiction, Jews, Villages in fiction, Villages, Shtetls in fiction, Shtetls 'Thirty-Six' 'Caught in the revolving door' 'Trolley Lives' 'Traveler's Advisory' 'Flying through glass'
People get jobs only when do employers offer them. No people get jobs when they apply..And are lucky now if they even get the job their applying for.
Same jobs as skinny people.
Yes, when people have jobs, they get paid for the work that they do.
He gave jobs to dishonest people.
No jobs with guns. No jobs with alcohol No medical jobs No jobs where people are always depending on you.
yes they do have jobs
Jobs to people taken and examination to determine their fitness for jobs.
Oneidas jobs?
Some of the people in France have jobs.
bruhh they do get jobs