As of 2011, Senior Justice Antonin Scalia has served the longest tenure of the current justices. President Reagan appointed Scalia to the Court on September 26, 1986; as of that date in 2012, he will have been on the Supreme Court bench for 26 years.
Born April 20, 1920, the 90-year-old Justice John Paul Stevens is currently the Senior Associate Justice on the Court, and has served under three Chief Justices (Warren E. Burger, William H. Rehnquist, and John G. Roberts). If Justice Stevens retires at the end of June 2010 as planned, he will have been a member of the High Court for 34 years, 205 days, one of the longest tenures in the Court's history.
William O. Douglas was the-longest serving member of the Court, with a tenure of 36 years, 209 days. He was appointed by President Roosevelt in 1939 and retired in 1975.
2005-presentJohn Glover Roberts, Jr is the current Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court, and has been Chief Justice, since 2005.1986-2005William Rehnquist was Chief Justice from 1986 until his death in 2005.
When Justice Stevens retired on June 29, 2010, he had been a member of the US Supreme Court for 34 years, 6 months, 10 days, the third longest tenure in the Court's history (behind Stephen J. Field, who served one day longer than Stevens, and William O. Douglas, who served more than 36 years).Born April 20, 1920, the 90-year-old Justice John Paul Stevens was the Senior Associate Justice on the Court, and had served under three Chief Justices (Warren E. Burger, William H. Rehnquist, and John G. Roberts).
I would have been and supreme court justice, not a president because it can be all hard work that's in your hands. I don't know what a senator is, but I would be supreme court justice because you get to speak out your mind and don't need to hear what people have to say and make your decision of what's right!
The Supreme Court of the United States, as an institution, is head of the Judicial Branch of the Federal government. The Chief Justice of the United States (sometimes called Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court) is the head of the Judicial Branch. John G. Roberts, Jr. has been Chief Justice since 2005.
Stephen G. Breyer is affiliated with the Democratic party. Stephen Breyer is an associate justice of the Supreme Court. He has been a justice since 1994.
(The person who has been serving the longest is considered the chief justice of the court.)
President Ronald Reagan nominated senior Justice Antonin Scalia to the US Supreme Court in 1986. Justice Scalia will have served 25 years on September 26, 2011.
Because John Paul Stevens has been on the Supreme Court the longest, and is the Senior Associate Justice.
President Gerald Ford appointed Justice John Paul Stevensin 1975.For more information, see Related Questions, below.
Justice Dalwir Bhandari
In the United States, the President chooses a Chief Justice's successor after the Chief Justice dies or announces his (or her) retirement or resignation. As with any other Supreme Court appointment, the Senate must approve the nominee by a simple majority (51%) vote. The Senior Justice (the justice who has been on the Court longest) may temporarily serve in the capacity of Chief Justice if the seat becomes vacant while the nomination and confirmation process is in progress.
Justice Clarence Thomas has been an incumbent on the US Supreme Court since 1991. He hasn't been replaced.
Justice Sonia Sotomayor, who joined the Court in August 2009
Elder Dallin H. Oaks was a law clerk in the U.S. Supreme Court and later went on to be a justice in the Utah Supreme Court. There hasn't been an LDS U.S. Supreme Court justice of which I am aware.
There has not been an African American Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court. The first African American Associate Justice was the Honorable Thurgood Marshall.
Yes. Surprisingly, only one US Supreme Court justice has been from Texas: Justice Tom C. Clark, who was appointed by President Truman and served on the Court from 1949-1967.