answer this questionwhat are some paradigms from history that have been incomplete
he was awesome and rich.. he also saved the world several times from invading aliens and chuck norris
Glimpses of World History was created in 1934.
Geronimo was a prominent leader of the Apache who fought against Mexico and Texas during the Apache Wars. As a major component in this war, he can be credited with a major impact on the world.
They help us swim!
american and french
the world is flat
he impacted the world
he wrote the leviathan
Hunting, shooting, reloading, history
Yes they had.
the history channel give information of all around the world
i dont know isnt that what i asked you?
He made history he found the new land
he painted nice pictures
The history of the world. Normally not focusing on any one culture or the scientific aspect, but different societies that made a large impact on the world.
· her capability, ambition, and her remarkable charm left a great impression on history!
What do you mean by inaccurate? Every maker has put out a lemon at one time or another.