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right against exploitation

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Q: What law protects freedoms of individuals and groups?
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Which law restricted the freedoms of individuals?

the twelve tables

Safeguards of individual civil liberties?

The Bill of Rights protects individuals liberties. The first amendment protects freedom of speech and religion. The second amendment gives individuals the right to own firearms if they choose to.

Refers to rights that are guaranteed by the law?

Legal rights are those entitlements and protections granted by the law to individuals or groups. These rights are enforceable and typically include freedoms such as the right to freedom of speech, right to a fair trial, and right to privacy. They serve to ensure that individuals are treated fairly and justly under the law.

What are freedoms protected by a government's law?

Amendments are freedoms protected by law.

Define the term law and explaine its importants?

Law is a system of rules and regulations that are enforced by a governing authority. It is important as it provides societal order, ensures justice, and protects the rights and freedoms of individuals within a community. Additionally, law establishes guidelines for acceptable behavior and consequences for violations, promoting stability and fairness in society.

What are fundamental freedoms and fundamental responsibilities?

Fundamental freedoms are essential rights that individuals possess, such as freedom of speech, religion, and the press, which are protected by law. Fundamental responsibilities are the duties and obligations that individuals have towards society, such as following laws, respecting the rights of others, and actively participating in democratic processes.

Are extremist groups illegal?

Nothing in any founding document protects them and they are groups that cause problems. However, they are not illegal until there is a law that specifically says they are outlawed.

Is the 5 freedoms the law?

yes it is a law

What is a repressive law?

A repressive law is a legislation that restricts or suppresses certain rights or freedoms of individuals. These laws are often used by governments to control dissent and limit opposition.

Who has rights?

Citizens have rights to our country.

Which branch of government has the power to judge the guilt or innocence of individuals or groups accused of breaking the law?

judicial branch

How does the court system protect and enchance individuals freedoms?

apparently the court system protects rights and freedom. How? There are laws. Laws protect us from being killed and our rights being taken away. If we break the law the court systems put he/her on trail. The trail sees if him/her is either Innocent or guilty, sometimes it's a trail to see what will happen or as-en what are the consequences.