In the government, the abreviation INS stands for Immigration and Naturalization Service. However, the agency has been dissolved and its immigration resoponsibilities have been split among other governmental agencies.
US Customs and Border Protection
justiceDepartment of Justice, Justice Department
The EPA is the name of the federal agency responsible for monitoring air quality. EPA stands for the Environmental Protection Agency.
The Texas Education Agency is responsible for public education in Texas. The agency is headquartered in the William B. Travis State Office Building in Downtown Austin.
No, NASA is not the US government's only space agency. The United States also has the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO), responsible for the development and operation of reconnaissance satellites, and the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA), which focuses on collecting and analyzing geospatial intelligence.
The Department of Health and Human Services is responsible for the implementation of the HIPPA regulations.
Independent agency is a regulatory agency established by congress. Several different tasks are performed by independent agencies, It is a part of the government of the United States but works independently of the executive governmental departments. Independent agencies are responsible for keeping the government and the economy working smoothly.
Usually a slang-type reference to an agency, administration, or organization or some other governmental or government-associated arm.
The Conservative Party
In the US, the main government agency responsible for food safety is is the Department of Agriculture, which often works closely with the Food and Drug Administration
The government agency that developed and supported CSPro is the U.S. Census Bureau and ICF Macro. The funding was provided by the United States Agency for International Development.
Commonly referred to as "The DEA." It is an agency of the federal government dedicated to the enforcement of all laws dealing with drug policy.