The meeting in 1787 was to revise the Articles of Confederation. Many leaders felt that the Articles of Confederation were too weak and needed to be changed.
On September 17,1787 the final meeting of the Constitutional Convention was held. The purpose was to sign the Constitution of the United States of America.
The ratification of the articles of confederation occurred on March 1, 1781. The Annapolis Convention occurred on September 11, 1786.
The constitutional convention occurred second.
Constitutional Convention <3 maxxie
A convention of the thirteen states met to study the trade problem.
The Annapolis ConventionThey met to study the What_meeting_occurred_in_September_1786problem
a convention of five of the thirteen states, called the Annapolis convention, met at Annapolis.
If the trustee meeting has occurred, contact your attorney and have him fine a new creditor with the trustee. If the trustee meeting has not occurred, you may add new creditors at this meeting.
Stanley Meeting
The purpose of a notice of meeting is to give you advance warning. This is so you can make sure you are free for the meeting.
The purpose of the meeting at Gettysburg was to dedicate the new National Cemetery.
The ratification of the articles of confederation occurred on March 1, 1781. The Annapolis Convention occurred on September 11, 1786.
Bcz the to measure meeting that meeting is 40 min long
It means meeting people.
The meeting of representative for the purpose of writing laws and advising the king became Parliament.