The minority of the opulent. In other words: the governemnt should be made up of wealthy land owners so that the wealth of the few could be protected from the majority of the less prosperous.
Madison feared that the house of representatives would dominate.
The first minority President is President Barack Obama. He is half African American and Caucasian. Most people refer to him as African American.
socioeconomic issues
Yes Madison is a very common name..Records I've seen show births in 2000 to 2004 are the years Madison was a baby name that was use the most...
The majority party is the party to which the most representatives or senators belong. The other party is the minority party.
In Federalist Paper No. 10 James Madison wrote about how a republican government should be structured to protect the rights of the minority. He noted that the majority often has a tendency to abuse its powers leading to the "tyranny of the majority." Madison argued that this tyranny of the majority often leads to the minority having their rights infringed upon. He believed that in order for the rights of the minority to be secure the structure of the government should be so that it would protect these rights from the majority.Madison suggested three ways to protect the rights of the minority. First the government should be large enough that no one faction can become a majority and overpower the minority. Second the government should have a separation of powers so that each branch can act as a check on the other branches. Finally the government should have a system of representation so that the minority can have their views and interests represented in the government.These three aspects of a republican government are what Madison believed would protect the rights of the minority the most. By having a large government the majority cannot easily overpower the minority. By having a separation of powers each branch can act as a check on the other branches and preserve the rights of the minority. And by having a system of representation the minority can have their voices heard in the government. These three aspects according to Madison are what make the rights of the minority most secure.
By far the most underrepresented minority at Yale is people with low IQ.
A minority in most societies is defined as a category of people who are not the largest group of such people in that society.
The minority is the group that does not have most people with it. Majority holds the power, minority does not.
No. The majority leader is the most powerful.
There are a number of things that would most likely interest an environmental scientist. This will be anything that has to do with the environment and the various things that affect it.A+ water pollutionwater pollution
Most people in Ireland are Roman Catholics but there is a growing minority of Protestants. Meanwhile in Northern Ireland the majority are Protestant and there is a minority of Catholics.
No- Washigton was not considered to be a member of a minority. He was of English ancestry like most of the people in the country.
Not in Poland. They would be most other places.
James Madison
James Madison