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On October 3, 1789, in his first year as 1st U.S. President, George Washington [February 22, 1732-November 14, 1799] issued a proclamation, to make November 26th "A Day of Publick Thanksgiving and Prayer." Thirty-second U.S. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt [January 30, 1882-April 12, 1945] changed the holiday, in 1939, to the third Thursday in November; and then in 1941, to the fourth Thursday in November.

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Q: What national holiday did George Washington proclaim?
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The first president of the united states, George Washington.

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George Washington, in 1789.

What year did George Washington proclaim a National Day of Thanksgiving?

October 3, 1789 was the date on which first U.S. President George Washington [February 22, 1732-December 14, 1799] proclaimed a national day of Thanksgiving. He identified that day as November 26th. The holiday continued to be observed, but not on a national level. Its observance tended to be in New England. But the date varied widely, from sometime in October to sometime in January.

His birthday is a national holiday who is he?

Martin Luther king Jr, George Washington, and Abe Lincoln.

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George Washington is substantially more famous. Keep in mind that he is on the US dollar bill and the quarter. His birthday is celebrated as a national holiday in the USA.

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It's a federal holiday.

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George Washington Masonic National Memorial was created in 1932.

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