Robert Adler, who worked for Zenith is credited with inventing the remote control for television. Robert Adler also invented the hand-held blow dryer for hair, a weather radio, and push button channel selectors for televisions.
David Warren is most known for his inventions for the airline industry. He invented the flight data recorder and also the cockpit voice recorder.
Robert Adler invented the first workable wireless remote control for the television. Born in Austria, he earned his doctorate in physics at Vienna, then fled the Nazis, first coming to England, then America, where he was hired by Zenith in 1941.
Animals were not given more land to graze upon as a result of agricultural inventions.
Backscratchers are likely among the earliest "inventions" by humans. For as long as backs have itched, people (and probably other animals) have looked for good sticks with which to scratch them.
he was famous for his good inventions
Albert Einstein did not invent any mathematical inventions.
They also inventented the ram pump
introduction of the camel. no other known inventions.
nothin he just improved other peoples inventions
13 separate inventions.
He invented it in Hungary in 1774.
He was so in to inventions he build and immproved machines.
He invent alot of good stuff.
What inventions did quality control engineers invent