To make sure that the people working for the government were not given jobs because of political parties or related to people in office.
To make sure government workers had the necessary expertise.
Civil responsibility involves the responsibilities a citizen must possess, including that of meeting the obligations of being part of the citizenry and upholding justice and opposing injustice. It can also include other matters such as voting, not littering, making sure one does not waste energy, etc.
they made sure they were unique and had a self officiant remarke.
LEO They have to say Iapprove this message..
A difficult journy to get there.
A difficult journy to get there.
A difficult journey to get there
a difficult journy to get there
not sure
I know that people traveled the silk road on horses and camels ,but I'm not sure if that's it, so feel free to improve my answer!
I'm sure you meant to type unify. The country will unify following the civil war. That experience will unify the team.
They traveled by horses, camels, and even caravans.
Well, I'm pretty sure that nobody knows the names of ALL of the people in the Civil War so I would not ask it because you will probably never find the answer!
To make sure the people who are applying for a job are qualified.
I am not sure what century you are asking about but before modern history people traveled by foot, ship, horse, camels, cart, wagon, and mule.
Not sure to whom you are referring. The early settlers traveled by ship. After the introduction of transatlantic flights, people could choose between ships or planes.