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You should look this up on National Geographic an-or the Discovery Channels/ websites. They had a special explaining this in depth. Many African-Americans dont have any idea what percentage of African blood the they are due to a lot of rapes that occured by slave masters and female slaves. Usually in America deep brown skin is usally regarded as African American or Black. A lot of people who have on black parent and one white are usually considered or conider them self "mixed"/ bi-racial or black

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14y ago

You cannot change your "percentage of blood." You either are or are not.

The concept of "percentage of blood" is obsolete, misleading, and often taken as an insulting term these days.

At present, anyone who wants to consider himself or herself to be African-American can do so. Whether others who see themselves as African-American will accept that will depend on the more recent history of the person and the perceived reason for claiming this formerly undesirable designation.

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3y ago

The deffinition is vaugue, some times it can go matrilinealy and some times it goes by a single drop. in general any african american ancestry would make a person african american or bi-racial. In some situations people might go by what there mother is.

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Q: What percentage of African blood must one have to be considered African-American?
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