Which appeal is the best example of pathos?
A king forces farmers to send him most of their crops to be distributed among wealthy nobles.
Which appeal is the best example of pathos?
the bill of rights
jean jacque rousseau
The political would have more strength int the government.
A king forces farmers to send him most of their crops to be distributed among wealthy nobles.
Which appeal is the best example of pathos?
John Locke .
The Two Treatises of Government is a work of political philosophy published anonymously in 1689 by John Locke.
Oh, dude, that would be John Locke. He's like the OG of natural rights and stuff. He was all about life, liberty, and property, you know, the essentials for a chill existence. So yeah, Locke was all about people having the right to do their thing without someone harshing their vibe.
A leader gives up power when a majority of her country's citizens disapprove of her policies
freedom of assembly
freedom of assembly
Anything that would put you in danger is unacceptable - like running around and playing and cutting up and not following directions.
What Would John Locke Do
A speech at a party to raise money for a political campaign.
Because if chins could kill, he would be a mass murderer. That would be unacceptable.