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The Democratic Party, by far.

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Q: What political party would be most likely to support the exploration of alternative sources of fuel in order to preserve our natural resources?
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Energy conservation by using alternative sources?

By using alternative resurces (most of which are natural and reuseable), people can conserve the energy that comes from finite resources. This helps to preserve those resources and also reduce the heavy waste that usually comes with them.

Why is it essential for us to preserve natural resources?

Simply because - natural resources are not an infinte quantity. Eventually, allfossil fuels will run out - forcing mankind to seek alternative energy sources !

How can you preserve natural resources?

Ride a bike.

Conclusion for conservation of natural resources?

Conserving natural resources is important. These resources are finite, and will not be able to be replaced once they run out. To preserve our quality of life, as well as the quality of life of the planet, it is vital to preserve and conserve these natural resources.

What is being done to preserve natural resources?


How do you preserve the wonders?

you leave the wonders undisturbed thus keeping the woders of the world preserved

How can people preserve your fresh water resources?

Simply by not wasting it.

What were their political and military goals at the start of the war?

To preserve the RVN.

Which is the best way ti make resources sustainable?

we can preserve sustainable resources by helding awareness programme.

How does Australia make up for the resources that are in short supply?

It can import some resources. It can use those that it has more efficiently so as to preserve the resources.

Conclusion of depletion conservation of natural resources?

In conclusion, the depletion of natural resources poses significant threats to the environment and human well-being. Conservation efforts, such as sustainable resource management and alternative energy sources, are essential to ensure the long-term availability of resources for future generations. It is imperative that individuals, communities, and governments work together to protect and preserve our natural resources for a more sustainable future.

A sentence using the word preserve?

Always strive to preserve your dignity. Our fore fathers fought to preserve our freedom. I like to eat strawberry preserves. We need to preserve our natural resources. WD-40 preserves metal objects against rust.