Rank is a vague word. In most cases senator is "ranked" higher than mayor.
I'm going to assume you mean by who has more power and influence. If that is the question, then for mayors it really depends on what city, but in most cases, I'd say the senator is ranked higher. There are only 2 per state, whereas there are hundreds of cities per state with mayors (under population 5000 places are not allowed to have mayors). Mayors also work closely with the city council and don't really make all the decisions. A senator of even sparsely populated states carry a vote in congress and directly contributes to passing laws. Senators work in the White House impacting the country as a whole, whereas mayors can only make local decisions particular to that city.
That said, mayor of New York City is still relatively powerful and influential.
The possessive form is congressman is congressman's.Example: The congressman's office is on the second floor.
In most cases, the head of a municipal government is the position called "mayor".
The plural form of congressman is congressmen.
Many people feel that the bond between the people and a representative of the people is a sacred bond. If a congressman were to break that bond for personal gain, some may feel offended. However, there are those who feel that even a congressman deserves the right to better their career when possible.
Governor is typically a higher position than congressman. Governors are the chief executive of a state, while congressmen serve at a federal level in the legislative branch.
The governor is a higher position than congressman. The congressman is one of many. He alone can pass no law. The governor can often create law through proclamation, regulation, or writ.
Ed koch
No. Because one of the qualifications of a congressman is that he must be a natural-born citizen.
No. He lost his bid in 1970. 56th mayor of Cincinnati.
President,V. President,Senator,Governor,Congressman,Mayor,V. Mayor,Brgy. Captain,Councilor.. That's all :))
Have the right to vote for mayor, president, govenor, congressman, or court justice.Get social security checks at retirement.Have the ability to become mayor, congressman, court justice, or president.Have the ability to go to collegeHave the ability to play professional sports.
There is no such position as Mayor of the United States (US). A Mayor is typically a political position for cities and towns. The United States is led by a president. Currently, the president is Barack Obama.
he get his job by makin the election..............
Congressman Bass, a Republican, has agreed to co-sponsor a bill to repeal DOMA. This position is supportive of same-sex marriage.