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The veto and the power to make interim appointments when Congress is not in session are the only direct powers. However, the veto can be overturned by a 2/3 majority of both houses. The President obviously has considerable discretion in how Congress' expressed will, in laws passed, is carried out. In some cases, the President can simply ignore a law passed by Congress. or implement parts of a law. He can also drag his feet or expedite the expenditure of money appropriated by Congress.

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16y ago

I could be completely off-base with this. Apart from the general influence that a powerful personality would have over others, the only actual power the president has over congress is the veto.

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13y ago

Answers to the question depends on the political set up and constitution.

Aside from the veto power, the Legislative branch has the confirmatory power

over those appointed by the Chief Executive, mainly his alter egos. Congress

also has oversight power / responsibility on how the executive branch headed

by the President implements the budget, and the laws of the land.

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14y ago

Congress can pass a vetoed bill from the president if two-thirds if both the House and Senate agree to pass the bill and then it becomes a law.

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4y ago

The veto and the power to make interim appointments when Congress is not in session are the only direct powers. However, the veto can be overturned by a 2/3 majority of both houses. The Pres...

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Q: What power does the congress have over the president?
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What powers does congress have over a president?

What power does congress have over a president?

Can the president makes rules for the congress?

No, not generally. The President has no legal connection to Congress. A president whose party gets a big majority in Congress has a lot of say over Congress, but it is mo tly because of respect or of party demands. Every President has some power over Congress because of the veto and because of appointments, but when the Congress is from the opposing party, his power over them is rather limited.

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Congress has the power to declare war, while the president commands the armed forces.

which statement accurately described the powers of congress and the president over military affairs?

congress has the power to declare war, the president commands the armed forces

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the congress

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they can impeach him

What are examples where congress has power over the president?

Power of the purse: congress can limit funding on things like war the president supportsAppointment confirmation: congress has to agree on the appointment of officials by the president.Congress can remove a president that is not doing his/her job.

Which statement accurately describes the powers of Congress and the president over military affairs?

congress has the power to declare war, the president commands the armed forces

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The president has More power over all of them, or whatever. lol.

What happened in the war power act?

In this act, congress states that the president had too much power in sending troops over seas. They decide to limit the power of the president.

In the U.s. what check does the president have on the power of the legislative branch?

The president has veto power over legislation that he does not want to see become law. However, with a 2/3 vote, Congress can override a veto, so this power is a check but does not nullify the power of Congress.

System check and balance in Malaysia?

it is when the president can get over ruled by congress if 2/3 of the congress pass the law and the president vetos it it is still passed because it makes sure the president dosent have to much power and that he or she can be over ruled