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John F. Kennedy, and then after his death Lyndon Johnson.

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Who was U.S. President when Congress passed the Voting Rights Act of 1965

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Q: What president during the early 1960's worked to pass the civil rights laws?
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Civil Rights when did it all begin?

In the 1960s when LJK was president.

What coin shows the president during the early 1960s who worked to pass civil right laws?

Perhaps you're thinking of the Kennedy half dollar ($0.50), featuring John F. Kennedy, president from 1960-1963.

In the mid-1960s future PBS host Bill Moyers worked for what US president?

Lyndon Johnson

What was the major issue concerning the Democratic Party starting with President Kennedy in the 1960s?

civil rights

This coin shows the president during the early 1960s who worked to pass the civil rights laws?

I don't think anyone can understand the question. I think JFK worked to pass the civil right laws... he was a communist ;) hope that helped :S lol next time you want to ask a question word it in a way that a normal person can understand please thanks x

South Vietnam president during 1960s and 70s?

Nguyen Van Thieu

Who was an advocate of civil disobedience during the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s?

Martin Luther King Jr.

The IO program was a direct result of which of the following?

Abuses by DoD intelligence units during the Civil Rights Movement and the anti-Vietnam demonstrations of the 1960s and 70s.

In what civil rights activity were many college students involved during the early 1960s?

voter registration drives

What time period did Martin Luther King's speeches take place?

The 1960s during the civil rights movement

During which decade was the term Asian American first used?

In the 1960s during the Civil Rights Movement. It was popularized by UCLA professor Yuji Ichioka.